YaxinApostille provides legal certification services for civil as well as for business documents like marriage certificate, degree certificate, birth certificate, power of attorney, no criminal conviction certificate, death certificate, divorce certificate, employment certificate, commercial agreement, price list, certificate of origin, certificate of personal patent, customs declaration, dispatch letter and many more.
They also offer Chinese embassy certification services in different countries like UAE, India, Japan, Malaysia, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, French, Germany Argentina and many more. Basically,legalization refers to the activities by the consular or embassy to confirm the final seal and signature of the foreign-related notarial public.
YaxinApostille can also help you to notarize and certify your documents. You can call them if you have any query on +852 30501814, and also write to them at
[email protected]. They will help you out with every problem and can make your certification of whole process easier.
About the Author:
Apostille.vip offers expedited legalization and Apostille services for personal and corporate documents. With more than 10 years of experience in embassy legalization and document authentication, they have maintained amicable relationships with embassies, consulates, law firms, and public notaries from around the world. As of today, they have assisted clients in obtaining Apostilles issued by the United States, Germany, Russia, Colombia, Ireland, Swiss, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong and the list goes on.