Mites are microscopic animals , not visible to the naked eye (0.1 to 0.5 mm) of the spider family. They are in the houses. Their presence does not reflect a lack of hygiene or cleanliness, they do not sting and do not transmit disease. This is your chance to learn about Dust mite and allergy protection now.
Mites prefer heat, humidity and darkness (like the bed). They feed on skin dander that each individual loses daily (the amount of 0.5 to 1.5 mg of dander that the individual loses per day can feed several thousand mites for several months). The optimal climate for the proliferation of mites is a temperature of about 25 ° (17 to 32 °) and a humidity of 75% (55 to 80%). Their lifespan is usually 2 to 4 months.
If the humidity drops below 55%, the mites die. This is the reason why mites die in autumn in regions with a dry and cold climate, as is the case at high altitude. Although most mites die at the beginning of the heating period (low humidity), the amount of accumulated excrement is maximum. The stool dries out and turns into dust. The dust mite allergy is not only due to the mites themselves (dead or alive), but also to the stools that they produce (on average more than 20 stools per day).
The mites find an optimal environment (microclimate) in bedding where the contact is the closest between the man and the mite.
In order to minimize the amount of house dust mites responsible for the allergy symptoms, the main treatment consists in their eviction:
Pillow, down, cover, made of synthetic material or cotton that can be washed at 60° every 2 months.
The sheet, the duvet and pillow should be washed once a week (NB: if a change of fluff is not envisaged, there is also the possibility of buying anti-mite covers for down and pillow ).
Wrap the mattress with an anti-mite cover. These covers (washable at 60°) are impermeable to mites and their stool particles, but not to water vapor. They are unfortunately no longer reimbursed by the health insurance (basic insurance), but we can, if we have additional insurance, try to get them reimbursed by his health insurance.
Simplify bedroom layout: remove "dust nests": soft toys, heavy curtains, upholstered furniture, books (if libraries are open). Remove carpets and rugs where possible. (NB: suction and cleaning with steam and shampoo are not enough, because the mites are fixed to the tissues by their hooks and suction cups, they must be killed to eliminate them!).
Regularly air the bedroom (if possible at least an hour a day). Reduce the temperature as much as possible (19°).
Regularly clean the bedroom, remove dust with a damp cloth, vacuum (work to be done preferably by a non-allergic person).
About the Company: House dust mites can trigger respiratory or dermatological conditions including asthma and eczema. Note:Its not just the dust mite which causes the problems but excrement the dust mite sheds on your mattress & pillows contains a potent allergen that causes the irritations. This is where Cover & Protect offers the best support now.