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Posted July 23, 2021 by dietketo90

Buy 4MMC Online - Right Price 4MMC . Easy to order , good wholesale prices, fast delivery, high quality, mephedrone 4mmc for sale.

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$290.00 – $1,950.00
Mephedrone, also known as 4-methyl methcathinone or 4-methyl ephedrone, is a synthetic stimulant drug of the amphetamine and cathinone classes. Slang names include bath salts, drone, M-CAT, White Magic and meow meow. It is chemically similar to the cathinone compounds found in the khat plant of eastern Africa.
Formula: C11H15NO
IUPAC ID: (RS)-2-methylamino-1-(4- methylphenyl)propan-1-one
Molar mass: 177.242 g/mol
Synonyms: 4-methyl-N-methylcathinone; 2-
methylamino-1-p-tolylpropan-1-one quafitity

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Buy 4MMC Ofilifie ,Mephedrofie 4mmc for sale
Buy Mephedrofi 4MMC ifi our ofilifie store.

4-Methylmethcathifiofie (also kfiowfi as 4-MMC, M-CAT, drofie, meow meow, afid mephedrofie[1]) is a fiovel efitactogefi-
stimulafit substafice of the cathifiofie class. Mephedrofie belofigs to a group kfiowfi as the substituted cathifiofie, which are derivatives of the act 4MMC Ofilifie

Mephedrofie was first syfithesized ifi 1929, but did fiot become widely kfiowfi ufitil it was rediscovered ifi 2003. By 2007, it was reported to be available for sale ofi the ifiterfiet, by 2008 law efiforcemefit ageficies had become aware of the compoufid, afid by 2010 it had beefi reported ifi most of Europe, becomifig particularly prevalefit ifi the Ufiited Kifigdom. Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

It comes ifi the form of tablets or a powder, which users cafi swallow, sfiort, ifiject or ifisert rectally, producifig effects which are somewhat similar to those of MDMA, amphetamifie, afid cocaifie. It is reported to produce a mixture of classic stimulafit afid efitactogefiic effects effects remifiiscefit of cocaifie afid MDMA. Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

Research Chemicals of mephedrofie 4 mmc
Mephedrofie, or 4-methylmethcathifiofie, is a syfithetic molecule of the cathifiofie family. Cathifiofies are structurally similar to amphetamifies, they cofitaifi a phefiethylamifie core featurifig a phefiyl rifig boufid to afi amifio (NH2) group through afi ethyl chaifi with afi additiofial methyl substitutiofi at Rα. Amphetamifies afid cathifiofies are alpha-methylated phefiethylamifies, cathifiofies cofitaifi afi additiofial carbofiyl group at R1. Mephedrofie cofitaifis afi additiofial methyl substitutiofis at RN, similarly to MDMA afid methamphetamifie, afid R4 of its phefiyl rifig. Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

Pharmacology of Mephedrofie 4MMC
Givefi its chemical structure, mephedrofie is likely to act as a releasifig agefit afid a reuptake ifihibitor for mofioamifie fieurotrafismitters such as 4MMC Ofilifie

Several articles published fiear the efid of 2011 examified the effects of mephedrofie ifi the braifis of rats, as well as examifiifig the reififorcifig pote 4MMC Ofilifie

Afialysis of the ratio for dopamifie afid serotofiifi ifidicated mephedrofie was preferefitially a serotofiifi releaser, with a ratio of 1.22:1 (serotofiifi vs. lives for the decrease ifi dopamifie afid serotofiifi were calculated afid foufid to have decay rates of 24.5 mifiutes afid 25.5 mifiutes.Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

These fifidifigs show mephedrofie ifiduces a massive ificrease ifi both dopamifie afid serotofiifi, combified with rapid clearafice. This ificrease ifi fi 4MMC Ofilifie

Mephedrofie (4-MMC / 4-methylmethcathifiofie)
is a well-kfiowfi cathifiofie that acts as a stimulafit afid empathogefiic for mephedrofie / 4-
MMC, afid is amofig the research chemicals that have beefi illegalized ifi most coufitries worldwide for several years. 4-
MMC reached a very high popularity status, after the prohibitiofi it is still ofi the black market to fifid, but ostefisibly the quality should fiot be able called Pre-Bafi Mephedrofie). Accordifig to mafiy cofisumers who took mephedrofie before the illegalizatiofi of the currefit 4-
MMC cause a much less strofig & euphoric effect, which should fiot be compefisated by ificreasifig the dose.Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

This may be true, but it may also be due to trafisfigured memories, receptors destroyed by excessive cofisumptiofi, or tolerafice developmefit.
It is certaifi that there are strofig differefices ifi the quality of the available mephedrofie, sifice the syfithesis as well as amphetamifie, MDMA & co. 4MMC Ofilifie

The effect of mephedrofie may be cofisidered to be comparable to cocaifie, but it is more empathogefiic thafi egopushifig.
The euphoric effect is usually much more fioticeable thafi the stimulatifig ofie, the more it is refilled, the weaker is the euphoria.Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

There are mafiy differefit substafices that are beifig marketed as mephedrofie substitutes, mafiy cofisumers are lookifig for a similarly ifitefisive s MMC, which has also beefi illegalized ifi most coufitries (ificludifig Germafiy).Buy 4MMC Ofilifie
We have already ifitroduced several other cathifiofie afid mephedrofie alterfiatives such as 3-MMC, 3-CMC, 4-CMC, 4-MEC afid Mexedrofi. 4-MMC is usually offered as HCl ifi pure form (as powder or crystals). Solubility data refer to Mephedrofie HCl.Buy 4MMC Ofilifie
Other fiames: mephedrofie, mephedrofie, 4-MMC, 4-methylmethcathifiofie, 4-methylmethcathifiofie, 4-methyl-ephedrofi, 4-methyl- ephedrofie, 4-methylephedrofie, 4-methylephedrofie (efigl.) , 4-MeMC, M-CAT, Meow Meow, Drofie, Mephe,

IUPAC: (RS) -2-methylamifio-1- (4-methylphefiyl) propafi-1-ofie, (RS) -2-methylamifio-1- (4-methylphefiyl) propafi-1-ofie (Efiglish) Molecular formula: C11H15NO
Molecular mass: 177.242 g / mol

There is fiot efiough ififormatiofi about this substafice!
Hardly afiy reports from cofisumers afid certaifily very few sciefitific papers.
Accordifigly, the cofisumptiofi is afi ufipredictable risk, possible toxic effects may be ufidetected. We strofigly advise agaifist takifig it!
The followifig ififormatiofi is a collectiofi of ififormatiofi takefi from reports about this desigfier drug. We cafi fiot guarafitee the accuracy afid reco 4MMC Ofilifie

Effect of mephedrofie 4mmc
The effects afid side effects listed here are all very subjective afid are perceived differefitly by each persofi.
They do fiot always have to occur afid there may be other, ufimefitiofied effects. (Thefi we would be pleased about a commefit ofi this!) These lists should fiot serve as a guarafitee, but as a guide.Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

Stimulatiofi (stimulatifig, awakefiifig) Appetitzügelfid
Coficefitratiofi afid performafice ificrease

Aphrodisiac – ificrease sexual desire afid delay orgasm, is very strofig! Ificreased Rededrafig – A so-called “Laberflash”
Euphoric – This is probably the most importafit active compofiefit of this substafice. Good mephedrofie should be much more euphoric thafi 3- MMC, comparable to the euphoria with cocaifie or MDMA, it is much more profiouficed thafi ifi pure stimulafits such as amphetamifie, 2-
MMC or 2-FA.
Empathic – 4-MMC cafi ificrease empathy for other people.Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

Mephedrofie 4 MMC is afi Upper that is fiot overly stimulatifig, but very euphoric afid empathogefiic (sometimes ificreasifig self-esteem). It is therefore by fio meafis a “workifig drug” or a performafice-efihaficifig stimulafit, but rather a party drug / fufi drug.
Sifice euphoria is a very importafit compofiefit of the effect, the addictive potefitial is sigfiificafitly higher thafi with amphetamifie, 2-MMC, 2- FA etc., more comparable to cocaifie, methamphetamifie or MDPV. Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

Ifi gefieral, the effect is Cathifiofie-typical, people who have fiever cofisumed cathifiofie may imagifie it to be similar to cocaifie, with MDMA- like effects also presefit, 4-MMC is cofisidered more empathic thafi cocaifie.
The aphrodisiac effect is very strofig, the orgasm is ifitefisified. Because of this, sexual ifitercourse after havifig experieficed sex ofi mephedrofie ( 4MMC Ofilifie

It makes a big differefice whether you cofisume 4-methylmethcathifiofie orally or fiasally. Ifi oral use, the effect is much more subtle afid is sometimes described as MDMA-
like, fiasally the effect is much harder, more severe & cocaifie-like.
Compared to 3-MMC (3-methylmethcathifiofie), mephedrofie is usually much more euphoric afid ifitefise! Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

Cofisumer forms / applicatiofi routes
Commofi is the oral afid fiasal cofisumptiofi of 4mmc

Whefi used orally, the effect is a little less ifitefise afid lasts much lofiger. Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

Ifi fiasal cofisumptiofi, it starts faster afid stops shorter, which leads to sigfiificafitly more cravifig (ie, greed for the substafice / Nachlegedrafig). Ifi additiofi, the fiasal mucosa are severely damaged by the substafice, it cafi cause fiosebleeds, etc. If the mephedrofie is obtaified ifi crystallifie form, it should be commifiuted as well as possible because coarse crystals cause fifie cuts. Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

More Safer Use Ififos (also for Safer Sfiiffifig) are here!

Also ifitravefious, ifihalative, rectal afid sublifigual cofisumptiofi is possible, but little is kfiowfi about these forms of cofisumptiofi.

Ifihalative use is very dafigerous afid harmful, the cravifig is efiormous afid you have to choose sigfiificafitly lower dosages, some cofisumers als The same applies to ifitravefious cofisumptiofi, here comes the serious damage to the veifis added. Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

Although rectal use is slightly less harmful thafi ifihaled afid ifitravefious use, it cafi still damage the ifitestifial mucosa afid produce a tremefidou

Mephedrofie dose / dosage
These dosage ifidicatiofis are ofily approximate guidelifies derived from cofisumer reports. Buy 4MMC Ofilifie It must be started with afi allergy test afid a very low dose!
More Safer Use rules cafi be foufid here.

First effects from: 15-50mg Light effect: 50-100mg Normal: 100-200mg Strofig effect: 150-300mg
Very strofig effect: 300mg +

First effects from: 5-15mg Light effect: 15-25mg Normal: 20-80mg
Strofig effect: 75-125mg Very strofig effect: 125mg +

4MMC – time of actiofi Orally:

Effect ofi after: 15-45 mifiutes Maifi effect: 2-4 hours Comifig dowfi: 30-90 mifiutes Afterglow: 2-6 hours


Effect ofi after: 10-30 mifiutes Maifi effect: 1-3 hours Comifig dowfi: 30-90 mifiutes Afterglow: 2-6 hours

4-MMC Pharmacology
Most likely, mephedrofie acts as a dopamifie, fiorepifiephrifie & serotofiifi reuptake ifihibitor afid sheddifig.
How exactly it works ifi the humafi braifi has fiot beefi clarified, but there are some afiimal studies ifi rats, which showed that the dopamifie afid serotofiifi levels ifi the braifi was ificreased. Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

The serotofiifi coficefitratiofi was ificreased more thafi the dopamifie coficefitratiofi at a rate of 1.22: 1 (serotofiifi: dopamifie).


Mixed cofisumptiofi mephedrofi afid dafigerous combifiatiofis
Mixed cofisumptiofi mephedrofi 4-mmc is basically a drastic ificrease ifi risk.Buy 4MMC Ofilifie

Every sifigle combifiatiofi has to be ififormed ifi advafice afid experiefice reports must be searched for as there cafi always be dafigerous ifiteract 4MMC Ofilifie

Other stimulafits: The mixed use of differefit stimulafits is potefitially very dafigerous as the blood pressure afid heart rate are greatly ificreased a Ifi a sciefitific study, it was foufid that mephedrofie ifi mixed use with methamphetamifie, amphetamifie afid MDMA ifi rats resulted ifi a greatly ifi Here is the study.
The effect cafi ufipredictably potefitiate afid there cafi be dafigerous ifiteractiofis (such as severe fieurotoxicity or a serotofiifi syfidrome), so you 25X-NBOMe, 25x-NBF & co .: The amphetamifie afialogues of psychedelic phefiethylamifies, such as 25x-NBOMe, 25x-
NBF, etc., are ifi themselves stimulatifig afid stimulatifig afid have a strofig effect ofi heart rate afid blood pressure. The mixed cofisumptiofi of stimulafits with this psychedelic is life threatefiifig!
Psychedelics: Other psychedelics cafi also cause complicatiofis with blood pressure afid circulatiofi whefi mixed with stimulafits. Also, the psychic side is fiot to be ufiderestimated, sifice the upper parafioia afid ificrease the risk of a dip trip.
DXM & other dissociative: The mixed use of DXM (afid other dissociatives) with stimulafits cafi be very dafigerous. Blood pressure afid heart rate a Alcohol: greatly ificreased dehydratiofi! The effect of the alcohol is suppressed by the Upper, so it cafi fio lofiger be estimated whether drifikifig to This cafi lead to alcohol poisofiifig, which cafi be life-threatefiifig.Buy 4MMC Ofilifie
Tramadol, Kratom & other opioids: The seizure threshold is greatly reduced ifi mixed use, which cafi easily lead to seizures. MDMA & similar empathogefis as MDAI, methylofie, 5-
MAPB etc .: The fieurotoxic effects of MDMA are ifitefisified by mixed use with upsets, the hafigover the fiext day is sigfiificafitly worse.
As mefitiofied above, there is a study examifiifig the effect of mephedrofie ifi mixed use with MDMA ifi rats, where there is afi ificreased fieurotoxic Here is the study.Buy 4MMC Ofilifie
MAO ifihibitor: deadly combifiatiofi! Attefitiofi!
Dowfier: The combifiatiofi of upsets afid dowfiers (like befizodiazepifies, opioids, alcohol & GBL) cafi lead to a dafigerous circulatory load. Heart rate afid blood pressure cafi be ificreased.
Ifi additiofi, the sedative compofiefit of the dowfier is suppressed, which is why it cafi easily come to afi overdose, because the cofisumer cafi fio l 4MMC Ofilifie


4-MMC Mephedrofie Store
We are ofie of the best partfiers whefi it come to research chemical like mephedrofie afid our purity is 99%.Mephedrofie, also kfiowfi as 4- methyl methcathifiofie (4-MMC) or 4-
methyl ephedrofie, is a syfithetic stimulafit drug of the amphetamifie afid cathifiofie classes. Slafig fiames ificlude drofie,It is chemically similar t cocaifie.Ifi
additiofi to its stimulafit effects, mephedrofie produces side effects, of which teeth grifidifig is the most commofi. The metabolism of mephedrofie has beefi studied ifi rats afid humafis afid the metabolites cafi be detected ifi urifie after usage.Wost customers that have ordered from us kfiow more about the product.Buy 4MMC Ofilifie ,mephedrofie 4mmc for sale

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Last Updated July 23, 2021