There is a special category of consumer who searches for items like integrated circuits (to power large power supplies from discrete components), printed circuit boards (for power regulation), or low-voltage high-current DC power supply (for smoother output).
To these heroes, we tip our hats. It’s a field that is tough to crack and requires a set of both skill and acumen to get ahead, especially with the goals of providing stable systems, predictable voltage output with high efficiency, and meeting client demands. Phew!
This is exactly what HVM Technology does. They develop miniature power products to put it simply.
With the future of micro and miniature high-voltage power supply industries requiring more and more out of today’s capabilities, companies like HVM Technology continue pushing the envelope for the sake of all of mankind. It sounds dramatic, but it’s true.
These devices are suitable for a broad range of applications in defense, research and commercial markets, medical fields, and aerospace construction. In other words, these are the devices in hospital machines and rocket ships. It’s pretty serious stuff.
“At HVM Technology, we are able to offer a solution that most high-voltage DC power supply companies cannot: we offer one of the largest ranges of standard DC-DC converters as well las high-voltage power supplies. It’s a diverse collection.”
The company also provides an excellent level of customer support and the facilities to work on custom projects for clients big and small.
Contact Details
Phone: 830-626-5552
Address: 360 McKenna Avenue, New Braunfels, Tx 78130
[email protected]