It is noted that Online Education offers more opportunities where it is difficult to traditional education of students with difficulty scheduling or distances, as well as distance education, can be easier and more flexible in terms of time and place There are three popular Online Education technologies include: is Video technology, such as instructional video clips, DVDs, interactive video conferencing and computerized technology delivered via the Internet or corporate intranet, is voice centered technology such as CDs or MP3 recordings. Students and teachers are able to express their views in a timely way. Nobody can deny that this type of education has merits and merits. One of the main advantages of online education is that it is beneficial for talented and slower students for many reasons, like the one hand, advanced training, and good for all ages, especially students deprived of the school environment. On the other hand, it offers individualized online education classes to students that are interactive. Encourage and encourage and boost students ' morale so that they can progress in our time. Help children from talented students develop and expand their horizons through improved curricula. The faster a student can solve his queries, the more comprehensible they are. In this respect, online study material from CBSE can help students. Thankfully, with the help of online learning platforms such as Extramarks, every student can study and quickly resolve their doubts at home. Extramarks is an online learning platform that offers the entire platform of CBSE Guide. Experts who know what a student needs to study optimally develop the online CBSE study material on aliens. A student can study properly with video lectures and guidance and be far better qualified for his or her examinations. Extramarks also offer a performance track that keeps track of every student's progress so they can better plan how various students can help them in different ways. Furthermore, the fact that Extramarks is available to students 24/7 helps far better students every day. They also have an AI bot called Alex, which guides students and resolves their doubts on their own. The list continues with the thousands of CBSE Guide features Extramarks offers to students. Download the Extramarks App Today.