The students can get their ICSE Class 7 Physics Question Papers on the Extramarks learning app. The ICSE Class 7 Physics Question Papers will help students when they start practicing. Teachers must emphasize the importance of studying ICSE Class 7 Physics, because students may not fully appreciate the benefits of physics in daily life. Physics is one of the fields of knowledge that underlies the physical universe and is constantly applied to the daily lives of people. In everyday life, the advantages of physics can be as basic as converting electrical energy to heat to make the morning coffee, or as complex as plotting a space shuttle flight from Earth into orbit Making Technological Advances The importance of studying physics in the development of cutting edge technologies can be clearly seen. Technological advances are most often based on developments in physics and innovations based on a new understanding of existing physics knowledge, and thus show the significance of physics in science. For example, Wilhelm Rontgen discovered X-rays more than a century ago, and X-ray machines are now a piece of medical equipment that physicists and engineers working off the initial research have taken completely for granted, designed and perfected. Enrico Fermi studied existing knowledge about nuclear fission in the first half of the 20th century and experimented until the first nuclear chain reaction was achieved. The argument for "scientific literacy" is widespread in the 2007 book Why Science by James Trefil? To focus on civic, aesthetic, and cultural arguments to explain why a very fundamental understanding of scientific concepts is necessary for non-scientists. Trefil refers to the "physics first" approach that Nobel laureate Leon Lederman presented in his educational reforms based in Chicago in 1988. Trefil's analysis is that this method is particularly useful for older (i.e., high school age) students, while he believes that the more traditional first curriculum of biology is suitable for younger (elementary & middle) students. Understanding the World Not all of physics ' benefits involve material things because research and knowledge are important in themselves. Astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and atomic structure and energy investigations have been able to explain much of the way the world works, even down to the original birth of the universe. Of course, the research results, as previously mentioned, can also be used as the basis for new technology.