The mini-bond market, private equity funds, industrial partners joining the company, and stock exchange listing are some examples of alternative financial solutions. What is the state of the art of alternative finance today? What is the emerging picture? Massimo Malvestio shared his thoughts at the Forum organized by Assindustria Venetocentro.
Massimo Malvestio at the Assindustria Venetocentro Forum
About 90 companies in the Veneto region may be interested in opening up their capital to third parties. This goes hand in hand with the growing interest of Italian companies in exploring alternative finance. Praude Asset Management's Founder Massimo Malvestio spoke on this very topic at the Forum organized on December 2 by Assindustria Venetocentro. In his speech, he pointed out the importance for companies to identify efficient partners, while evaluating each single financial alternative on an informed basis and with attention. Massimo Malvestio, a lawyer and an expert in value investing, also focused on the listing process that leads companies to enter the capital markets: this is "a long, expensive and very demanding process for companies", he said, adding that he has seen "people spend millions while reaching quotes with costs close to the 20% of the amount of money they received". The expert addressed other essential points, including the possibility to receive money from banks. According to Praude Asset Management's Founder, this "must always be taken into consideration, also considering the interest rates". The stock market, he said, can be seen as a "valid option" if other methods of raising capital are lacking: "It is difficult for a good company not to find banks or private equity operators willing to intervene", he pointed out in conclusion. The event was also attended by Vice President of Assindustria Venetocentro and Stevanato Group Marco Stevanato, CIO and Founding Partner of Helikon Investments Federico Riggio, and Director of "Nordest Economia" Paolo Possamai.
Massimo Malvestio: professional career and achievements
Born in Treviso (Italy) in 1961, Massimo Malvestio graduated in Law from the University of Padova. Soon after, he enrolled in the Register of Lawyers and qualified to represent clients before the Italian Supreme Court. In 1990 he cofounded the "Studio Legale Barel Malvestio & Ass." law firm (later renamed "BM&A"), and successfully led the firm's commercial law practice in his role as Managing Partner. During this professional experience, he focused on banking law, financial markets law, governmental enterprises, and financial crime law. He later entered the world of finance: in 2004, indeed, he decided to start his own fund "Hermes Linder Fund SICAV", which he headed thanks to his deep expertise in value investing, in particular in major equity European markets. Among the remarkable results recorded there is a track record of performance of over 600% (compared to the fund's launch value), as well as an accrued performance for investors (net of fees) of 11.85%. The fund is managed today by Praude Asset Management, the asset management company which Massimo Malvestio established in 2009 and where he currently holds the roles of Portfolio Manager and Chairman of the Investment Committee. As part of his professional career, he was also a columnist for "Corriere del Veneto" - the Veneto edition of "Corriere della Sera". Furthermore, he is the author of "Credito Cooperative - Storia di Uomini Bisogni e Successi in Veneto" (Marsilio, 2006) and "Mala Gestio: Perché i Veneti Stanno Tornando Poveri" (Marsilio, 2012).
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