Straightening teeth has a variety of options available, from metal braces, veneers to Invisalign. Since all the methods have their own procedure, advantages, and cost to straighten the teeth. Among all options, veneers are recommended and an effective method to straighten crooked teeth.
What are veneers?
Porcelain veneers are slivers (thin in size) of porcelain, which can be applied to the front of a number of your teeth: typically the most visible tooth. Since these are exceptionally white, those veneers will help you to gain a whiter smile. Additionally, veneers may be carefully formed to offer your enamel an excellent appearance. Basically, your enamel will want to be ground a little with a unique tool and ‘prepped’ to form them and make a barely roughened surface that the veneer can cling to.
How can veneers straighten crooked or curved teeth?
Dental veneers are also a recommended procedure to straighten crooked teeth. These are made with different types of materials, including composite resin and high-strength porcelain. The fact is, veneers do not actually straighten the tooth/teeth, but this treatment gives the impression of straightness to teeth when looked at the front.
Teeth straightening with veneers is the best recommended when only a few teeth need to be straightened. Thus, if when only some of your teeth are crooked, you must treat them with veneer instead of going with other techniques.
When should you treat with veneers?
A simple way to give back your crooked teeth is dental veneer. It offers an immediate effect since it is done with composite resin.
It’s also viable to correct crooked tooth/teeth with dental veneers, and there are however a few benefits:
Benefits of straightening crooked teeth with veneers
It can also be quick in case composite resin bonding is used.
It can alternate the tooth color.
It can improve the shape of enamel.
Mesa Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is a prominent destination for veneer care in San Diego. To book your appointment at Mesa Dental, click here