English comprehension Class 10 ICSE is almost certainly the most crucial topic a child can learn in school. By learning proper English comprehension Class 10 ICSE, a child will not be able to communicate effectively with an English-speaking nation. They're going to be cut off from education and other people in this country. Knowledge of ICSE Board Class 10 English is essential to learn to be able to communicate with others, to teach immigrant students and to find and maintain a job. Suppose students learn the right communication skills without feedback is a big mistake. One of the difficulties that immigrants face is the need to learn ICSE Board Class 10 English, even if learning English is a complicated language to learn. When refugees do not learn English, they are destined to remain second-class citizens or never to become citizens. They're ghettoized and never accepted into the mainstream of society. They are forced to take low-paying jobs; their children are raised in poverty, and often do not finish high school, take low-paying jobs themselves, raise their own children in poverty, and live in this never-ending cycle. Online learning for ICSE Board Class 10 English on the Extramarks app has several benefits that bypass classroom learning. One advantage is that a learner can learn at his or her speed. In classroom learning, faster learners need to wait for slower learners to catch up with the lesson before they can move on to the next subject. For the sake of more reluctant learners, they have to slow down their speed. Through online learning from Extramarks app, a better learner can move on to the next subject any time he or she needs to. In-classroom learning, the learner, has only one chance of listening to a class lecture. However, with online learning, the learner may replay a portion of the audiotape or video, or read the notes for a specific class. During classroom learning, the relative amount of focus and time that the instructor finds appropriate is provided to each module of the course. Through online learning, students have the freedom to spend the time they choose for each class. We will spend less time on modules that they are familiar with, and spend more time and energy on modules that are new to them. The online learning method of study allows students to use their time to meet their needs.