The Piping specification is a prepared, piping specification abbreviated, which lists the piping requirements and piping components for a particular service. It also provides additional requirements for products which go beyond expectations during the draft plan design phase.
For specific purposes the following definitions and instructions are given in the pipe specification, namely model-minimum thermal expansion requirements, allowance levels etc.
The procurement list contains material requirements that meet acceptable criteria, including heat treatment.
Mounting guidance–involves design, welding and alignment of tube system components. This also refers to painting and washing methods.
Design: building–description of the manufacturing and design of the site. Description:
The Piping Specification Manual also requires repairs and maintenance in addition to the specification during the construction phase. As all information about a certain part of the piping system is found in the pipe specifications, it is a vital guideline for any system changes.
One point about the pipe spec study is that some of the plant or building has been designed specifically. This means that the information for one pipe specification can not be extended to another section and the section for which the pipe specify is intended to be indicated.
In comparison to pipes, short codes and numbers provide as detailed information as possible. It is important to understand how to read a tube spec in order to use the text optimally.
For eg, in the device and instrument diagram the cited line is 12-FW-1014-1CS1P. 12–The nominal length of the tube can therefore be deciphered.
FW refers to the contents of the pipeline, also referred to as a service code. In this case, FW stands for fire water.
1014 –This is the pipeline number, a type of special number for a particular section or pipe run. Such data are introduced during the design phase.
1CS1P–This is the pipe type number file reference. The first number of this document usually refers to the system's pressure level.
After finding the pipe specifier number, you can go to the specific page of the paper to obtain all the necessary information.
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