Most people are brand specific and some others aren’t. This doesn’t mean that you don’t like indulging in branded products and things, but since it is just in trend for some amount of time, spending thousands of dollars doesn’t seem worth it. Then there are some websites selling the best replica bags online. But, even with fake bags there are things that you need to consider so that you don’t indulge in a purchase that doesn’t look like a read deal.
The idea of buying fake bags is not just the logo, but they should resemble the real bag look and quality. This guide will help you in picking the best louis Vuitton never full replica that looks like the real one.
Smell the bag
The easiest way to know if a bag is made out of leather is to smell it. Now, not any weird type of polyurethane smell or rubber smell is going to compensate for real leather. A designer back doesn’t smell like any of it but new leather. So, start smelling it so that you know if it is genuine leather bag or not.
Touch it
Well, obviously you will touch the bag to see its finishing, the number of pockets it has, the purse space and everything else, but what I mean by touch it is to feel the leather. Most girls who know what a genuine Louis Vuitton feels like can definitely tell if the bag is a fake one or if it is genuine. So, start by looking at the bag careful for stitching and other similar things.
Now inspect its hardware
Any of the knock off designer purses or bags are not lightweight. This is because the price tag is too high and, therefore, the hardware is of great quality. You need to look for some heavy-duty zippers and buckles. If you want to pass your bag for a real one, your bag needs to have pristine hardware components attached to it.
Look at the stitching
A designer back has awesome seam-stressing and that is what makes it an inexplicable collection. So, you need to choose a bag that is great with its stitching and doesn’t have any worn out threads as well.
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