Withthe rising concerns around global warming and pollution, many new techniquesare being invented. These methods are being designed to tackle the existingproblems. As temperature is one of the main concerns in today’s world. Forthis, the smart glass manufacturers have come to the rescue. The smart glasses,made by smart glass manufacturers, have the capability to change their lighttransmission properties.
What are smart glasses?
Smartglass is a type of architectural glass that changes its light transmissionproperties in response to factors such as temperature, voltage, or light. Thisnew form of glasses was introduced to the world by leading glassmanufacturers.
These glasses are usually used indoors, partitions, windows, and skylights inresidential as well as commercial buildings. Glass manufacturers’ products canbe controlled by both manual and automatic ways.
Itmust be noted that there are multiple forms of smart glasses, currentlyavailable in the market. The chief smart glass manufacturers have madethermochromic, suspended particle devices (SPD), polymer dispersed liquidcrystal (PDLC), micro-blinds, electrochromic, photochromic, and nanocrystalglasses.
Smartglasses are experiencing mainstream adoption. Due to this reason, the majorsmart glass manufacturers are coming into limelight. Smart glasses are beingadopted for applications such as ‘Architecture’, ‘Power Generation Plants(Solar)’, ‘Transportation’ and ‘Consumer Electronics’. Also, the increasingadoption of sustainable solutions in the automotive and architectural sectorshas fueled the growth of the smart glass manufacturers’ market.
Smart Glass Manufacturers’ MarketCap
Accordingto the GlobalSmart Glass Manufacturers’ Market Report, it was valued at USD 4.39 billion in 2019. As the demand is growingwith every passing business quarter, Verified Market Research experts projectedits value to reach USD 13.93 billion by 2027. The market of smart glass manufacturers is expanding ata CAGRof 16.75% from 2020 to 2027.
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Theincreasing adoption of smart glass in the automotive application is pushing thegrowth of the global market of smart glass manufacturers. Also, supportivegovernment mandates and legislation on energy efficiency are expected to drivethe market during the next business quarters.
Also,declining prices for electrochromic material and architecturally advancedconstruction philosophies (incorporating the installation of large windows) aregoing to propel this industry’s demand as a whole.
Top smart glass manufacturers inthe international market
Saint-Gobain is working onprojects that aim to offer a sustainable and inclusive environment. It is knownfor delivering the high performance solutions at global level. The Frenchenterprise diffuses comfort, performance and safety for all its customers. Itis on a mission to address the existing challenges across multiple industries.It is using its futuristic approach to solve problems around sustainableconstruction, resource efficiency and climate change.
View is an American glassmanufacturer that started its operations in 2006. It is working on improvingthe energy efficiencies of the buildings. It envisions to dominate the smartglass industry with its smart windows. These windows are designed to letnatural light and views in. This further enhances mental and physical wellbeingof individuals.
Corning is a leadingmaterial science- company. With a track record of successful inventions,throughout one and half centuries of its existence, Corning developscategory-defining products. Corning’s versatile nature has helped it in solvingthe most complex problems of dynamic industries operating globally.
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Gentex Corporation manufactures customhigh-tech electronic products. It has emerged as the face of the smart glassmanufacturers’ market. It has appointed a broad spectrum of technologies andproducts to deliver high-rated products to its international customers.
AGC is a Japanese glassmaking company. Loaded with a century of experience, the company has expandedacross all continents. It is growing using the glo-cal approach. It aims tobecome the leader of the smart glass industry by majorly focusing on localmarkets.
Polytronix is one of the mainsmart glass manufacturers in the American market. It provides creative glassdesigns that can be carved as per the requirements put forward by theinternational clients. It is one of brands that has made its name due to highquality and reliability.
Withits in-depth technical expertise, Vision Systems aims to bridge thegap between existing problems and its offerings. It is known for its unique andunbiased approach in solving industry-scale issues across the globe.
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