Your guidance counsellor would usually create your first semester of courses with you, sign you up, print out your schedule, and send you on your way as first-timers and rookies on campus. Take that paper and head to the bookstore to get copies of your syllabus as soon as possible. If you can, get a head start on the readings or take a look at the many themes that your professor will discuss.
Stock up on highlighters, Post-It notes, large three-inch binders, and a plethora of black pens. Your clinical and laboratory lecturers will give you a list of goods you'll need ahead of time (lab coat, stethoscope, medical scissors, clinical uniform, white sneakers, name badge, etc.). Before the first day of nursing school, make sure you have these essentials on hand.
Search for a group of nursing friends
Making connections early on in LPN school in Brockton is critical to your success. Find at least one other nursing student who lives in your dorm, is close by, or has a comparable schedule to you. This is necessary so that you can have a study partner who can assist you in understanding issues when you don't comprehend them and vice versa.
Be aware of how to study
One of the most important lessons learnt in school is identifying effective study skills and determining what works for you early in the semester. As a result, it's critical to speak with your new teacher about how to effectively prepare for the tests. Keep in mind that each teacher has his or her method of presenting the test information in class. Knowing your teacher's method will help you study more effectively and achieve better.
While failing a class isn't ideal, it can be viewed as a blessing in disguise. For instance, you may need to retake your medical-surgical nursing course. You'll be ahead of the game since you'll know what to expect and how the tests will be conducted. You may not need to re-read every assignment because you have already studied the material.
Contact Details:
Email Id:
[email protected]
Phone: 508.230.1297
Address: Southeastern Technical Institute, 250 Foundry Street, South Easton, MA 02375