Getting a trademark is an essential step that almost every startup firm must go through before starting a business. For this requirement, firms contact trademark attorneys. However, the rates associated with trademark attorneys are often high. Additionally, such attorneys outsource their work to several other firms, ones that specialize in providing trademark business services. You can save money by skipping the middle man. If you need to trademark a brand, logo, or name, contact us at TradeMark Express.
With over 27 years of experience, we have helped thousands of clients in getting the correct trademark for their business. We are the only organization that offers a step-by-step comprehensive search to check and confirm the trademark’s availability so that the client is assured the trademark is valid and clear. You can also contact us for a free consultation related to the trademark in question. We have five highly-experienced trademark attorneys with nearly 30 years of experience in trademark filing and research analysis. Our trademark analysis includes an extensive assessment of 300 to 500 pages of Trademark and Common Law reports taken out from 6500 paid databases; we use those to validate the trademarks of our clients.
Our research helps ensure that your time and money are not wasted. Beyond offering high-quality services to anyone who wants to trademark a business name, we guarantee our prices. Our past clients have been overwhelmed by our success and left testimonials attesting to our track record of success.
Visit our website to learn more. You can schedule a call with our experts by providing your contact details on our website.
Contact us:
Washington, D.C.
2000 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
Suite 1010 Washington DC, 20006
Phone: (800) 340-2010
Local Phone: (202) 496-1600
Fax: (202) 330-5555
[email protected]