"Today’s Leaders of Faith, Hope & Love" - Pre-Order Book by © 1996 Shawn M. McAteer

Posted July 3, 2024 by TodaysLeadersBook

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Beginning with a Vision for 24- Hour Faith-based Media in Canada...Shawn M. McAteer, Publisher of "Today’s Leaders of Faith, Hope & Love" (1994 to 1996) began inviting Christian Leaders across the United States of America and Canada to submit Book Chapters for "Today’s Leaders of Faith, Hope & Love" + praying/ believing Jesus Christ to demonstrate His favor from the Government of Canada/ CRTC granting 24-hour broadcasting-licenses. In 1996, both Crossroads Television Systems CTS/100 Huntley Street & Miracle Channel are granted 24-Hour Licenses from the Government of Canada/ CRTC.

Digital Files are now being prepared by Deja Technologies, Inc. for Book Release on Amazon Book Sales + Kindle platforms - estimated cost will be $10,000 to $15,000 (Canadian) to be used to prepare all digital files for Amazon Book Release. Pre-Order a copy of book - $50.00 donation supporting this book release campaign will receive a signed copy of "Today’s Leaders of Faith, Hope & Love" from Shawn M. McAteer, Publisher.

Christian ministries and Churches may participate in launching book "Today’s Leaders of Faith, Hope & Love" through sponsoring cost to converting all digital files and released on Amazon Book Sales Platform -- will offer a quantity of books/bulk to donors in return for sponsoring production costs to release book.


1. The Real Faith by Dr. Morris Cerullo

2. Repentance: Prerequisite Faith, Hope & Love by Peter Youngren

3. Sanctified By Glory by Michael Bruno

4. Repairers of the Breach by Francis Frangipane

5. Developing Faith in Your Confession by Charles Capps

6. Empowered To Overcome by John Burns

7. How You Can Receive A Double-Portion Anointing from God by Richard Roberts

8. The Father Heart of God by John Dawson

9. Rebuilding The Walls of Godly Leadership by Billy Joe Daugherty

10. The 10 R's of Discipling and Developing the African American Male by Dr. E.K. Bailey

11. Circle of Love by Tommy Barnett

12. Developing A Sharper Spirit Through Discernment by Roberts Liardon

13. Secrets of Success by T.L. Osborne

14. Wounded Warriors & Smitten Shepherds by Ross W. Maracle

15. I Will Build My Church by Cal Switzer

16. Leaders & Leadership by Dick Deweert

17. What All Leaders Have in Common by John Mason

18. Unity Brings the Commanded Blessing by Rodney L. Parsley


There is a great temptation to become familiar with the things of God, leave your first love, and allow the things of life crowd your hearts and minds. Sometimes this whole concept of loving God can be intimidating or even confusing. How can you really love someone that you can't see or feel? It seems other people love God, but how can you really get close to Him? Perhaps in your understanding, God seems distant, removed, and even disengaged with your life. Some people relate to the Fatherhood of God to that of their earthly father relationship, and believe God is angry, displeased, and demanding. How can I really love that kind of person? I know other people love God, but when I pray, my mind is filled with doubts on whether I can really love God? This must be regulated to that special spiritual few, perhaps a pastor, minister or evangelist, but not me? One should know that God never requires you to do something, which you are not capable of doing, without the strength to do so (See Mark 12:29-31). God would not give a command to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, if it were not a possibility. This can be a reality with everyone who is confronted with this command. The leaders represented within this book, "Today's Leaders of Faith, Hope & Love"; further highlight how wonderful, powerful, transforming and fulfilling a loving relationship with God can be. Loving God is not only a command we must pursue, but it also an invitation which can be experienced. In the context of these very simple words that are profound in their influence, there is also the means by which we can learn to love God. There are four introductory essentials to establishing loving relationship with God.

First, true love requires surrender. The command says "all" your heart. "all" your soul, "all" your mind, "all" your strength. It is very clear that faith does not begin until you yield all to God. Although we cannot see God, there is a tug or pull in your heart to trust Him. Then there is a step of faith where we must reach out and move towards God. True and deep fulfilling love holds nothing back but surrenders all. A person cannot truly love another person unless you surrender yourself completely. There is a beautiful release when two people completely trust each other, and the more you trust each other, the more you surrender all. Love develops as you surrender all to God because God is absolutely trustworthy. Yield yourself to Him, and don't hold anything back. It is at this point where some people stumble, and never enter into a deep loving relationship with God. People have so many misconceptions of God and conclude that God does not have their best interests at heart.

Second, true love requires knowledge. Jesus Christ said to love God with all your mind. We cannot love God unless we really know Him. Some people have a problem of understanding who God is, and that effects the way they relate or respond to Him. Some argue that they don't need theology, they just want something that makes them feel good. Well, if you feel good without good theology, you are on your way to a short-lived relationship with God. Ignorance never stands the test of time or circumstances. Love without knowledge is simply an infatuation.

The best cure for infatuation in any relationship is knowledge. As you get to know God, the relationship will become rich and deep with understanding. God is good. His love is everlasting, and never failing. The more you know God, the better you will understand His love. Paul the Apostle prayed for the Ephesian Church, and said, " I keep asking, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation that you may know Him better. I pray that you are being rooted and established in love may have the power to grasp how wide, long, and deep is the love of Jesus Christ. To know this love which surpasses knowledge, that you may filled with the fullness of God"(See Ephesians 1:16-23; 3:14-21). Paul prayed that God would grant you the ability to grasp this love of God in and through Jesus Christ.

Third, true love requires commitment. Jesus Christ said to love God with all your strength. Love is a quality which must be worked at, and it requires both time and energy. Even when your feelings do not want to respond to God, it must be done because it is part of our Covenant with Him. If we judge to love God simply because of our circumstances, we should look at the life of the Apostle Paul who experienced trouble, hardship, famine, nakedness, danger, persecution, and death (See Romans 8:35-39). This kind of love is tenacious. Job said, "though He slay me, yet shall I follow Him" (See Job 13:15). There re people living in the Third World who love Jesus Christ with all their hearts, far more than some of us in this land of plenty. This is not a love of convenience, but an unfailing love.

Finally, true love requires passion. Jesus Christ said to love God with all your heart and soul. It would be tragic to verbalize all your life that you love another person, yet not experience or extend passion. Whenever you come to God for forgiveness of sin, Jesus Christ sends the Holy Spirit to come live within you, which allows you to respond to God the Father. Faith promises a dynamic, powerful, and fulfilling relationship with God. As you read through this book, "Today's Leaders of Faith, Hope & Love", each leader further highlights a breathing and loving relationship one can know and experience with God. Simply stated, evangelism may be defined as, " that you may truly know this glorious love". Loving God is more than a commandment which should be followed by everyone for all time but is also an invitation.
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Issued By Shawn M. McAteer, Publisher
Phone 16132226606
Business Address 363 Preston Street, Unit 4
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1S 4M8
Country Canada
Categories Arts
Tags book , church , evangelism , leadership , faith , ministry , administration , broadcasting
Last Updated July 3, 2024