Cysts are pockets of tissue filled with air, pus, or other types of fluid. They may appear anywhere on the body, internally or externally. They are relatively rare in people who have a normally functioning urinary tract. These cysts tend to form as small, benign growths that can go unnoticed. A doctor often finds them only when diagnosing other pelvic issues.
In the bladder, cysts can cause similar symptoms to polyps, which are abnormal cell growths. Unlike cysts, polyps are not filled with any other material. They may be benign or cancerous. Bladder cysts are almost always benign, which means that they are noncancerous. If a lump starts to grow abnormally or otherwise indicates cancer, a doctor will explore further testing and treatment options.
Symptoms include: pain when urinating, kidney infection peeing blood, a painful need to urinate, a continuous, urgent need to urinate, inability to control the bladder, which is known as incontinence, excessive urination at night, pain in the lower back or pelvic region or foul- or sour-smelling urine.
Bladder cyst treatment can be initiated after detecting it by the following methods as suggested by the Urology Experts team.
X-rays and CT scans use radiation to make images.
An ultrasound produces images using sound waves.
An MRI scan uses radio frequency and a magnetic field to create highly detailed images.
Cystoscopy allows a doctor or urologist to look inside the bladder and inspect cysts. It involves inserting a tube with a tiny camera through the urethra and into the bladder.
Biopsy involves taking a piece of tissue from the cyst and sending it to a lab, where it is analyzed for malignancies.
There may be a few possible causes or no known cause of a bladder cyst. A doctor may be certain of the cause or believe that a range of issues may be responsible. Factors that can increase a person’s risk of developing bladder cysts are: catheter use, a history of surgery near the bladder, a history of kidney stones or bladder stones or frequent UTIs.
Phone: (239) 226-2727
Address: 4571 Colonial Blvd., Suite 110, Fort Myers, FL 33966