App description: : Police stop assistant pro was designed to provide assistance to drivers who have been pulled over by law enforcement officers. This application was designed to educate drivers on how to positively interact with law enforcement and how to invoke their rights when pulled over for a suspected traffic violation in a respectful manner. With police stop assistant pro app, you can audio record and video record the stop, call 911 and invoke your 5th amendment rights within the app. Police stop assistant pro provides a list of scenarios of the do's and dont's when pulled over by law enforcement. Police stop assistant pro is the best comprehensive approach available on any mobile app on how to positively interact with law enforcement. Police stop assistant will benefit all drivers within the United States of America.
Visit for more information: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.policestopassistantpro
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Copyrights: This copyright is own by Matthew John
Name: Matthew John
Phone number: 267-528-7666
email address:
[email protected]
Categories: reference