Not only does Wales have a wealth of tertiary education facilities, but it also has some highly prestigious names on this list. Here you will find names such as Cardiff University, Swansea University, and Aberystwyth University. Even if you go further down the list than merely looking at the top three institutions, you will notice that the names are quite impressive. However, many students have the academic records and the intellectual skills coupled with the willpower to make a success of their dreams to study at any of these facilities, but the additional cost of studying due to expenses resulting from them being disabled can rob them of this dream.
“This is where the support of DSA student finance Wales plays such a valuable role. As a government-licensed partner, our team has been taking care of many applications and helping numerous students to achieve their dreams. This success was simply possible as we can help them to obtain the funding, they need to pay for additional expenses such as specialist equipment. Other expenses that are often part of the considerations during an assessment are whether the student needs the support of a non-medical helper. Here we refer to note-takers, sign-language interpreters, or even tutors,” says Lauren Gardener, the director of Access for Students.
She then further expands on the easy application process and how students can apply for DSA student finance online. Once her team receives such an application, they would review the details provided and if the applicant is eligible for financing, her team arranges an assessment meeting. These meetings can take place online or at any of their offices spread across multiple locations.
“During such a session we will discuss the exact needs of the student and expand on what resources are available to find the best solutions to address each student’s unique needs. After an assessment session, we sent off all the necessary documentation and our reports from the assessment to a funding body who will then determine how much money they can provide the student and how they can best assist such a student to make a success of their studies and further their careers,” Gardener proudly expands on the process how disabled students can access the DSA student finance they need to make a success of their studies. Her team helps these students to build a career and follow their ambition. She also states that it is best not to delay such an application and to get your application in as soon as possible when you are eligible for such financial support.
About Us:
Since 2018, we have been helping students of higher education to apply for access to the funding they need to support them with the additional cost of their studies. Disabled students often have many challenges to face and one of these is the expenses to pay for the support they need when they have a range of conditions, either regarding their mental health or their physical wellbeing. From our offices in Newport, we cater to these students and make sure that they have access to the necessary resources to deal effectively with these obstacles in their way. Visit our website at or contact us directly and see how we can help you.