A "Lemon" is a motor vehicle sold or leased with a defect or condition that significantly impairs the motor vehicle. The individual you bought it from cannot repair the vehicle after three attempts, or the vehicle is out of service for repairs for a total of 30 or more days during the term of protection.
This lemon law TN new car is only applicable if you purchased a new vehicle. So the lemon law does not apply to use cars at all. If the above conditions apply though, the auto-manufacturer is required to replace the motor vehicle or refund the purchase cost.
The term of protection is characterized as one year from the date of original delivery or the term of the guarantee, whichever comes first. To take advantage of the lemon law protections, we would suggest reporting any issue within the first year or within the term of the guarantee, whichever comes first.
In case you have a lemon, you must inform the auto-manufacturer of the issue in writing by certified mail. The auto-manufacturer has an extra opportunity to repair your car within ten days. If the auto-manufacturer cannot repair your vehicle and he has an informal dispute settlement procedure that complies with Federal Trade Commission regulations, the refund & substitution provisions of the lemon law new car in TN won't apply until you submit to the proofs.
You're not bound by choice and can still look for accessible legitimate remedies, including asking a court to grant a substitution vehicle or repayment of the purchase cost (less a reasonable stipend for use), additionally lawyer expenses and court costs. You can file a claim at any time within one year from the date of original delivery of your vehicle or within six months from the expiration of your expressed guarantee, whichever is later.
About the company
Allen Stewart is enthusiastic about defending the rights of individuals harmed by others. This company is committed and passionate that reflects on its track record. Their lawyers have collectively amassed an amazing list of honors and recognitions. Allen Stewart was named one of the Foremost Successful Young Litigators in America by The National Law Journal. It is a benefit to assist you and your family in your fight for justice.
Address: 1700 Pacific Avenue Suite 2750, Dallas, Texas 75201
Phone number: 866-440-2460
Website: https://www.allenstewart.com/