Choosing a Heat reduction film for an automobile, a home, or a business can drastically lower the amount of heat that passes through a window during the day. These films save electricity by shielding up to 80% of the sun's heat while also inhibiting UV rays that cause furniture and flooring to deteriorate.
Is Window Film Effective in Reducing Heat?
By preventing heat from the sun's radiation, window film can help make your home, automobile, or company a more comfortable place to live, drive, and work. Visible light can still travel through the glass despite the absence of solar energy, and the temperature inside the room or car remains cool. Keep in mind that the amount of light and heat that passes through the film will vary depending on the type of window film used.
Blocking Heat in Your Home Using Window Film
Up to 83 percent of the sun's energy is transmitted through transparent single pane glass in residential dwellings, and up to 86 percent of that energy is converted to heat, resulting in substantially warmer temperatures within. You can block up to 86 percent of the sun's energy and more than 99 percent of harmful UV rays in your home with heat-blocking window film. Window film helps in a variety of ways, including lowering home cooling expenses, minimizing ultraviolet light exposure, and minimizing fading of your carpets, upholstery, and furniture.
Window Film's Commercial Application
One of the most compelling reasons for businesses to consider putting window film is to lessen the burden on HVAC systems. The load that solar heat gain places on business HVAC systems accounts for up to 33% of total energy costs. As much as 86 percent of the sun's heat and energy can be minimized with window film, resulting in cheaper cooling costs and more stable indoor temperatures.