If you are interested in trying some relaxing vapor then you have probably already been looking at Delta 8 cartridges. This hemp based concentrate oil is quickly rising in popularity across the country. Much like CBD, Delta 8 is an oil product that is derived from hemp plants. It can provide users with a pleasantly calming sensation when vaped. The team at Blankz Pods tried some Delta 8 oil themselves and realized that it would be the perfect addition to their line of the best Juul compatible pods on the market.
Blankz Pods is probably best known for its refillable Juul pods that are designed to offer Juul users far more flavor options than they can find on store shelves. Recently they released a limited edition run of Juul compatible pods that featured ceramic coils, making them ideal for concentrate vapers.
If you are not already familiar with Delta 8 and other hemp based vaping products, these are oil based products that are made from industrial hemp plants(cannabis sativa). Because these plants contain low levels of Delta 9 THC, they are legally considered hemp instead of marijuana, making the products derived from them hemp products.
The amount of Delta 9 THC in these plants is restricted because of Delta 9’s intoxicating effects. Delta 9 is the compound responsible for the psychoactive high experienced by marijuana users. It is known to create a relaxed state in most users, but it can also cause panic and paranoia in some individuals. Delta 8 THC is a chemically similar compound, but a few atoms of difference can go a long way. Delta 8 THC is naturally occurring in hemp plants, but it can also be easily made by slightly altering CBD. Delta 8 is psychoactive, but its effects tend to be more mild than those of Delta 9. Most users report a calm sensation without the paranoia that comes with vaping Delta 9 concentrates.
If you are unfamiliar with hemp based concentrates and you want to try the new Delta 8 cartridges from Blankz, it's important to start slow. One or two short puffs is enough for most vapers. Be sure to wait 10 to 15 minutes before taking any additional puffs. All of this information and more will be featured on the product page to answer any questions you might have before you try these pods.
At only $15.99, these new Delta 8 cartridges are an incredible deal. Each pod features ceramic coils and 1 ml of concentrate with 500mg of Delta 8 per pod. The team at Blankz Pods are planning on releasing these new pods in a few weeks, so keep your eyes on the Blankz Pods website if you are interested in trying the first ever Juul compatible Delta 8 vape pod!