3 Tips to Minimize Heat Loss at Home in the Winter

Posted March 18, 2025 by breelinkplumbingnheating

To minimize heat loss in winter, seal gaps around windows and doors, insulate your home properly, and use heavy curtains or blinds to retain warmth.
Heat loss can increase your energy usage at home. When you don’t get the right temperature, there is a tendency to overuse heating systems, which can be taxing to your heater. This can lead to premature breakdowns.

There are things that you can do to ensure that you don’t experience heat loss at home.

1.Check the insulation properties of your home.
Is your home’s insulation adequate? If you live in an old home, chances are, the insulation system has worn down. In fact, your home might not have an insulation system. You would want to have it checked by professionals.
You can also check your water heater. Insulate the pipes and the water tank to prevent heat loss. This can lower your energy bills.

2.Make sure you fix gaps and seal windows.
Prevent that warm air from escaping and cold air from entering your home. Check the siding of your home and take note of broken areas. If there are gaps or holes, fix them right away. Seal the edges of windows as well. Older homes might have windows with worn-out seals.

3.Close vents that are not being used.
Are there areas in your home that are not being used? You can close the vents so that hot air will not be distributed in these areas.

It’s also important to have your heating system in kelowna checked by professionals. Technicians from Bree-Link Plumbing & Heating can make sure that you have a reliable heating system to use in the winter.

For more details about Best heating system in Kelowna please visit our website: bree-linkplumbingandheating.ca
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Issued By Bree-link Plumbing and heating
Phone 02508596778
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Categories Services
Last Updated March 18, 2025