Breast augmentation is one of Dubai's most common cosmetic surgery procedures performed at any plastic surgery clinic. Breast augmentation, also known as breast enhancement or enlargement, includes inserting a saline or silicone implant either under the tissue of the breast or under the muscle to increase the breast's size and shape. Furthermore, breast augmentation can be paired with a breast lift to boost the shape as well as the breast size.
Breast Lift
Women are exposed to several experiences during their lives, which can have a negative effect on their breast appearance. Genetics, aging, loss of skin elasticity due to age, weight gain and loss, pregnancy and breastfeeding may all have a negative impact on the shape and firmness of the breast. A breast lift is the solution to these issues. A breast lift offered at Cocoona Center For Aesthetic Transformation Dubai, will reverse the effects of time, giving you breasts you had when you were younger.
Breast Reduction
Women with breasts that are too large in proportion to their body frame will greatly benefit from breast reduction. Such women not only complain about their looks, but they also suffer from physical problems such as neck pain, back pain, bra marks on the arms from the extra weight, and frequent skin rashes. A cosmetic procedure such as breast reduction surgery can overcome these problems and significantly improve breast appearance.
Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia Treatment)
Gynecomastia (abnormally large male breasts) is more common than many people actually realise, affecting between 40 and 60 percent of males. Some medical conditions, medications, and human growth hormone can contribute to gynecomastia, but the cause of most cases is unknown. For these situations, breast reduction can also serve as a suitable cosmetic procedure to resolve the issue.
Breast Reconstruction
The most common form of breast reconstruction includes the use of a tissue expander and the breast implant placement. For patients who undergo this form of plastic surgery after breast reduction has healed the tissue, the alignment tool is used to stretch the skin to make room for the implant. The alignment tool is a silicone balloon put under the skin and will be filled slowly over a period of weeks with a saline solution. When the skin has grown to the required size, plastic surgeons may replace the expander with a breast implant and rebuild the nipple and areola (the dark skin that covers the nipple) to complete the reconstruction.
Plastic surgeons can also perform breast reconstruction using the patient’s own tissues. This method of plastic surgery uses skin, fat, and muscle from another part of the patient’s body, usually the chest, to reconstruct the breast.
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