Market forecasting is the science and art of predicting when a market will most likely change direction in the future, as well as the likely duration of that movement. Market analysis entails using current price data and applying technical and/or fundamental analysis to figure out what the market has done. The adaptive cyclic algorithm is important in a daily report.
Forecasting Methodology
If Market Forecasting is used, the extent to which it is used will differ greatly from one analyst to the next. Forecasting can be as basic as expecting the crossing of an indicator line or the reaction to the breakout of a certain level of resistance. It can be as complex as predicting the exact day when the market will most likely change direction.
Forecasting Analysis
My price data research employs a sophisticated forecasting process that is naturally proprietary. The physics behind my work is heavily influenced by market cycle mathematics. Market cycle analysis gives a blueprint for future price direction as well as the likelihood of one move leading to another.
Price data can be analysed in a variety of ways to determine cycle imprints. These Dynamic cycle analysis are subject to oscillators and moving averages, seasonality tracking. Even monitoring of various celestial bodies and their effects on the earth. Without delving deeper into the more technical features that I employ for my clients, a trader or investor may accomplish quite a bit of market predicting.
Keep in mind that you can do this not only for each clearly defined swing top or bottom, but they will also overlap. You can find it with the help of the Cycle Swing Indicator. You might notice, for example, that a given week is 8 weeks from a previous top/bottom and 3 weeks from the most recent top/bottom. You can use a variety of market forecasting strategies to help you predict future market turns.