4th October 2021: Radiation is a silent killer that is present around you and damaging your body right now when you are reading this report. EMR or Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) can be more harmful than you think. A typical mobile phone emanates enough radiation to damage your brain cells permanently if you are stick to the machine too much. In 2011, The World Health Organization (WHO) declared that radiofrequency (RF) is a possible threat to human life as it could be “carcinogenic” for the human body. Several other studies have revealed that the radiation from your mobile phone and WiFi systems can damage nerve tissues, eyes, and immunity. This is where you need anti-radiation devices as designed by Environics.
The devices are small in size that easily fits with your mobile phone but keeps you safe from the ill-effects of mobile radiation. Check Modicare Envirochip to understand how effectively these small devices work to keep your surrounding absolutely free from the harmful effects of radiation. Environics is the perfect destination for personal, home, and workplace radiation solutions.
Have you ever come across the term “Geopathic Stress”? Apart from mobile radiation which is a solely manmade issue, the earth is always surrounded by natural radiation that causes different levels of stress in the human body. This is known as Geopathic Stress. This is also harmful to your body. Environics has developed a solution for this natural radiation as well.
People are talking about Environics devices such as EnviroChip, EnviroGlobe, and EnviroCover. These anti-radiation devices have different purposes. EnviroChip is a small and flat device that you can attach to the back of your smartphone. It takes a little space there but keeps radiation at bay. EnviroGlobe is specially designed to take care of the radiation around you like the radiation emanating from the nearby mobile tower that affects your entire home or office. On the other hand, EnviroCover can be used as a mobile cover protecting you from mobile radiation. Modicare Envirochip has a proven ant radiation effect.
Protect your home and office from the highly damaging radiation. Make it a part of your healthy lifestyle. Life will be smooth-sailing.
About Environics: Environics offers anti-radiation solutions. It has designed effective EnviroChip, EnviroGlobe, EnviroCover, and other devices for complete protection against natural and manmade radiations.
For more information log on to https://environics.co.in/