Usually, cylinder floating joint is equivalent to coupling, which is used to reduce errors, protect related parts and make equipment run smoothly. And it also prolongs the service life of the instrument. If the machining error of parts is too large, it is simply a mechanical part used to connect two shafts in different mechanisms to rotate together to transmit torque. Along with this, it is easy to install for everyone. It means you don’t need to put extra effort as well as your time to set up it.
If you are searching Cylinder Floating Joint to make your work easy and smooth, it is good to choose a reliable company. A trusted and genuine supplier will give you a quality product. This is why it is essential to search for a noted name. In order to get the best products, it is suggested to contact Floatmatic. It is one of the top market leaders that provide the best products. It is also affordable to purchase for everyone. Because of its exceptional product quality, the brand is instantly gaining traction as the ideal platform for these products.
Usually, the Flotmatic was created by the Danish engineer and inventor Simon Russek, who has good years of experience within R&D work in a wide variety of businesses. The fields of expertise are within wind turbine manufacturing, machining, pneumatics, and industrial automation equipment, to mention a few. During his work, he saw the requirement for a special joint, which could compensate for misalignment or off-centering between a pneumatic cylinder and its attached part, but to his surprise not of the joints available in the market could solve this issue.
Therefore Danish company 3d plus launched flatmates on the Scandinavian market in the second half of 2020, and it immediately received recognisation from multiple actors within the pneumatic industry. Because of the big interest from the market, Simon choose to have the design patented. Apart from this, in January 2021, the German market followed along with the partnership of a German distributor. Another interesting thing about this company is that this business is now adding direct sales, which ensure lower cost, direct customer feedback.
Having amazing services and products, Floatmatic is now known as a trusted and reliable brand all over the world. In addition, it also allows purchases to be made from anywhere around the globe and ensures that the requested item is delivered quickly. For additional information or to make a purchase, go to