At the same time, they do not forget to warn you: there is not much time left until autumn, and it is the right moment to escape from your stuffy office and finally implement your crazy plans for summer, which you made in late May. Even the stars recommend forgetting about the deadlines, at least for a while, to start living, meet the dawns and sunsets with bubbly and, of course, not to forget your favourite gambling activities.
GamblerScope: Your Lucky Horoscope from 12 July to 18 July by GamblerKey
Aries (21 March – 20 April)
Finally, the stars advise Aries to stop wasting precious summer days. To do so, stop following the perfect lives of the influencers on Instagram. Better yet, stock up on lottery tickets so you can finally hit the jackpot and head off to live on the islands with a triumphant shout of - “Bye, bye, losers!”
Taurus (21 April – 21 May)
Taurus’ life experiences are so vivid and varied that it is high time she launched a personal growth course with tips for getting out of any unforeseen situations. Lesson one: How to idle at work and not get caught by your boss. Lesson two: How to celebrate every day with a glass of white wine and prove to the family that you are not an alcoholic. And the final lesson: How to lose your salary at an online casino and live for a fortnight eating pasta only.
Gemini (22 May – 21 June)
In mid-summer, the stars suggest that Gemini should finally take a little break from his routine and devote himself to more enjoyable activities: eating delicious food, tasting homemade wine, texting at night with exes, and playing slots. Should not summer be all about indulging in the good times? And even if common sense tells you not to, has the voice of reason ever stopped Gemini from doing so?
Cancer (22 June – 22 July)
Cancer does not believe in horoscopes and does not forget to tell everyone around her about it. But somehow, oddly enough, she still reads her horoscope for good luck from the GamblerKey astrologers every Monday. To maintain her reputation as a serious person who does not believe in any predictions, Cancer does everything opposite. Do the stars recommend that you moderate your ardour and not make any ill-considered bets? Cancer will immediately lose the entire down payment at roulette. Do astrologers advise save money? Cancer will book tickets to Turkey and buy a new suitcase at the same time. And it does not matter that she will not get a holiday until November, and the number of bags at home has already exceeded the number of countries in which she has been.
Leo (23 July – 23 August)
The stars advise Leo not to plan any important meetings this week. It is better to arrange them for September. But now it is the moment to enjoy the middle of summer. Since Leo has so many clothes that urgently need to be dressed: to the cinema, to a bar, to a casino, to the beach or his grandparent’s village house, Leo will decide where his heart calls for the following weekend.
Virgo (24 August – 23 September)
As usual, astrologers advise Virgo to keep her maximalism in check and finally stop trying to outdo everyone else. So far, the mission is impossible. If Virgo gets a job, she will be the first one to arrive and the last one to leave. If she befriends someone, she will call, write, and even show up unannounced to convince them that she is the best friend they can have. If a Virgo is gambling, it lasts till the emptiness of her bank account. And you can borrow money from your best friend for food until payday because she sends them memes all day long for a reason.
Libra (24 September – 23 October)
It is almost impossible to keep Libra’s attention during these summer days. Libra has a pile of unfinished business that is nearly impracticable to deal with. These things are likely to be the case until October, when the temperature drops below 20 degrees. In the meantime, Libra says to problems: “Not today,” and goes home to spin their favourite slot machines.
Scorpio (24 October – 22 November)
It is only a matter of time before the losses will be replaced by profit. That is the way the universe works. It cannot be avoided. The law of equilibrium. That is how Scorpio soothes herself as the money from her card dissipates in a succession of losing spins. While the other signs are enjoying the warm days, going to the beach and BBQs, Scorpio fights with Fortune and never loses hope of getting as much as Cady from TrainwrecksTV with a hit of over 500k dollars.
Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)
Sagittarius’ generosity knows no limits. He always forgives people for their blunders and holds no grudge for dishonest deeds. The main thing for the person is to repent and apologize sincerely. And Sagittarius accepts apologies only in cash and preferably in currency. Cryptocurrency. So, in general, Sagittarius even likes those who constantly screw up and apologize. Thanks to them, you do not even have to worry about not having the money to play casino games.
Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)
Whether in summer or winter, Capricorn always chooses stability. Except that the only stability she has is gambling addiction. She wants to lie on the sand by the sea and let the murmur of the waves drown out the cries of the managers about the deadlines. But so far, the only recreation she has had is the new July slots about distant seas and pirates’ adventures.
Aquarius (21 January – 18 February)
The summer equator has crept up unexpectedly, so Aquarius will be looking for someone to shift responsibility to free up time for rest and fun in the coming week. Libra can not deal with his problems, Virgo mentally can not cope with new responsibilities, and Aquarius does not have enough money to pay for the services of Sagittarius. Therefore, the stars advise to write down all critical issues on a list and hide this piece of paper far away until autumn.
Pisces (19 February – 20 March)
Pisces lives a beautiful life regardless of the year’s season. Midsummer, early autumn or late winter does not stop them from drinking prosecco for breakfast, spinning slots for lunch and eating pizza in the company of fellow gamblers for dinner. And even though social media and influencers are all about healthy lifestyles, Pisces absolutely does not care. She never chases trends. Better to be happy and unfashionable than the other way around.
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