Buy Anabolic Steroids in France, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine have, with the help of Eurojust, disrupted a criminal network that distributed vast amounts of illicit and harmful anabolic steroids Buy Oral Steroids Online, primarily on the French sector. In Slovakia 24 perpetrators were detained during an activity day, including the crime network chief. Thousands of anabolic tablets and ampoules were discovered in Poland and Ukraine and thousands of Euros were also Buy Injectable Steroids confiscated in currency. The organized criminal group (OCG) 's gross earnings amounted to about EUR 2 million.
Throughout Poland, the medicines were refined into tablets and ready-to-use Buy Anabolic Steroids and sold online via websites controlled from Slovakia. The synthetic medicines were delivered from Slovakia and Poland. In the last few months alone, at least 9,300 kilograms of steroids have been marketed to consumers, especially in France, but also elsewhere.
In recreational sports as well as in gyms and workout centers Buy Oral Steroids Online, anabolic steroids are sometimes used to improve strength and muscle mass development, but present significant health hazards and may be fatal when overdosed. The manufacture and selling of such performance enhancing drugs is prohibited worldwide for this purpose.
In 2017 inquiries started in France in recognition of the environmental threats and the illicit aspects of the operations. Throughout the Paris High Court an investigative prosecutor launched a lawsuit against France, Slovenia, the Czech Buy Injectable Steroids , Poland and Ukraine throughout Eurojust. The people detained are of Slovak, Polish and Ukrainian descent. We are accused of illegal narcotics trade on a wide scale, including money laundering.
As of February, last year Eurojust sponsored a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) and scheduled three planning sessions. The day in protest, which took place this week in Slovakia, provided more judicial protection. Europol was able to provide strategic assistance and intelligence on crime network funds.
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