Australia, August 24, 2020: iinsight® is an online healthcare practice management software devised by Be Software International. It is tailor-made for allied health and NDIS service providers and works securely in the cloud with any web-connected device. iinsight® now has a Bulk Invoice Email feature that allows the user to create a scheduled sending of all invoices.
iinsight® has added a new feature that helps to schedule invoices on any given Invoice creation date range through either the Invoice Wizard/Quicklinks menu or Finance Menu/Emailed Invoices Tab.
The creation of scheduled email would group and send to the "Bill To" Contact. The user can also add any other Contact(s) from the Case (this is done when reviewing each scheduled email after they are created in "Emailing Invoices" list).
• From the Options menu/Security/IMAP settings, enter the chosen "Send from" IMAP email account or IMAP settings will be available from the selected mailbox where it supports IMAP connections.
• Next, go to the Options menu/Financial Settings/Email tab to set up Default Subject and Body for Bulk Invoice Email feature.
There are two different ways of Creating/Scheduling Invoice Emails ready for review and send:
• Option 1: This can be done after a batch Invoice Run is completed via the Quicklinks/Invoice Wizard.
At the final stage of Invoice creation, a new button called "Create emails for created invoices" is seen.
Note: If any "Bill To" contact is missing an email address, this will need to be rectified before the Bulk Invoice Emails can be created because the feature requires a valid email address. At this point, if any Bill to Contact is missing an email, this needs to be resolved before creating the batch. Should this occur, cancel the creation of the Bulk Emails, fix the Bill to Contact emails that are missing, and then proceed to create the Bulk Emails using Option 2.
• Option 2: Bulk Emails can also be created either after an Invoice Wizard/Quicklinks batch is completed or after Individual Invoices are created per Case with the Case List/Accounts Tab (or both).
This process is done in a new tab in the Finance Menu called Emailed Invoices.
Create a new batch of Bulk Invoice Emails via the Finance Menu/Emailed Invoices Tab/Add Button. The Creation of the Emails will allow a user to search for an Invoice Creation Date Range and other search parameters – in the same way as running an Invoice Report in the Reports Menu.
Sent email invoices have a green icon, unsent email invoices have a grey icon and invoice emails sent with errors have a red icon.
To review emails before sending, select the email and then click the "Details" button. This Detail view has the option to include a "CC" contact email address, change the subject and body of the email and also preview the PDF attachment.
To send emails that are reviewed and confirmed as correct, but are grey (indicating that they are Unsent), tick the "Selected" box on the left of the created/scheduled email (one or more selections allowed) and then click the "Send" button.
Note: If the email icon appears in red after sending, the Email Error will appear in the section. This might be due to an invalid email address or send failure.
After clicking on send, Bulk Invoice Emails are now sent, thus, eliminating the requirement to send these manually.
The company aims to help customers maximize client and business outcomes through industry-specific software solutions. To get a free trial of 14 days or explore the complete features of iinsight®, please visit the official website and fill the contact us form.
About the Company:
iinsight is cloud-based case management and reporting system, designed for health clinics, allied health service providers and NDIS service providers. It provides database security, backups and 24×7 system monitoring with cloud access to make the case management easy.