When searching for the driving school of a good repute and dedicated instructors, you need not look further than Nik Driving School. As the state certified driving school Nik Driving School is acclaimed the Best Driver’s Training School. For driving lessons near me you can trust the Nik Driving School which is insured and bonded. As the leading driving school the school is registered and has well maintained cars.
If you are concerned about your teenagers learning safe driving, it is important that you enrol them at Nik Driving School that teaches their candidates low risk driving that aims to stimulate drivers to make options that put safety first. As the best driver’s training school Nik Driving School makes conscious decision to drive safe and teach drivers to consider options and having established strategies to cope with incidents while driving.
Nik Driving School offers behind the wheel training which is enjoyable experience, yet you require highly engaging and experienced instructors to learn behind the wheel driving. Nik driving offers highly disciplined instructors as they believe that driving is a matter of life and death. An error in judgement while driving can lead to serious consequences for the parties involved. Nik Driving ensures that professional driving lessons are imparted to the candidates to equip the driver with the necessary skills to safeguard his life and the lives of other people on road.
Taking driving lessons from the experienced drivers at NIK Driving School teenagers are well equipped to face the challenges on the road. With Driver Education at the end of the course you will be given a completion certificate.
Driver's Training (B-W-T) Driver's Training is provided in a vehicle with a licensed DMV instructor. It can be taken any day of the week with an appointment. Once the student masters basic driving skills, freeway driving and parallel parking is included, if time permits, at the discretion of the instructor. The instructors at Nik Driving School make use of safe modern cars to ensure safety and to lower costs that they can pass on to their customers all while saving our planet one driver at a time.
About Nik’s Driving School:
Nikdrivingschool.com is a state certified driving school (behind the wheel driving school). Nik Driving School is one of San Fernando Valley’s most professional Driving Schools. All of our drivers have more than 15 years of experience in driving, they all have been background checked and surveyed daily for quality of service. For more information please visit our website: https://www.nikdrivingschool.com/
5530 Corbin Ave Suite 105A,
Tarzana, CA 91356