Unfortunately, we realize that there are a lot of websites out there that will take advantage of unsuspecting buyers and scam them. Usually, they will send a black market, knock-off doll. In some extreme cases, they will take your money and send nothing in return.
This has definitely created a sense of fear and suspicion in the community and rightly so. However, it has also made it difficult for family-owned (we're a husband and wife business) and honest businesses like us to flourish.
So in order to make this a win-win, we are working very hard to establish our reputation in this space and will go that extra mile to make you happy because we have skin in the game too. No other website will offer you the level of support and personalized care as we would.
At the same time, we are also diligently working with the TDF staff to become an approved vendor on their site.
How to detect a fake or unreliable SD seller? The BS Test.
1.Yeah, yeah, yeah words on over the website. Words like the "#1 seller", "world's best doll", etc.
2.Prices too good to be true. Most cheap sellers will buy fake dolls on AliExpress and sell for very low prices.
3.Not on TDF. The Doll Forum (TDF) has a very rigorous verification process to qualify only the most serious and authentic business.
4.Only accepts PayPal. Getting a payment processor and gateway for "high-risk" businesses like selling dolls needs a very high level of preparation, discussion with banks and credit card companies. Only the most qualified and legitimate businesses and process payments via several different methods.
5.Doesn’t have a phone number listed on the site. Duh!
6.Photos are blurry, censored or have random logos on them. This usually means the photos were stolen from another site.
7.Doesn’t offer free shipping or custom clearance.
8.Doesn’t show up in Google as an authority site. Google is smart and its algorithms will only show most authoritative websites on Page #1.
9.Nothing shows up when you google their name.