Relaxa · Newsroom

Awareness of Mental health and Stress Problems
Positive outcomes have been reported as a result of mental health awareness week programmes.

January 4, 2022

Details about Mental health Awareness
In current years, there has been increasing recognition of the critical role mental health plays in accomplishing global development goals, as evidenced by mental health's inclusion in the Sustainable Development Goals.

December 4, 2021

What are the benefits of Workplace Wellbeing Webinars for employees?
With so many employees now Hybrid working (working from both home and in the office), HR departments are now, more than ever, looking at ways to promote employee wellbeing at work.

September 2, 2021

NationalKnow Your Numbers Week – an ideal opportunity to provide Employee Health checks
Relaxa is one such company that can provide 3 different levels of cost-effective health screening to suit both needs and budget.Whether arranged as part of an Employee Wellness Program or as a one-off event

July 29, 2021