Smartphones have made life easier as you can check out the rooms, amenities, and photos of the various Hotels In Baytown Houston within a few minutes. The comparative analysis will always make you choose Scottish Inns & Suites.
When you are in the Baytown area, you have to plan the stay at such a hotel which will offer you three elements.
Prime location
Affordable room tariffs
Comfortable room structure
It is not that straightforward to find such a hotel, but it is not impossible too. If you book your stay with us at Scottish Inns &Suites, you will enjoy the benefits of all these three elements.
Well furnished
Our guestrooms have all the amenities necessary to make you feel comfortable and at home. We are providing a microwave, a full-size refrigerator, a cooktop, an LCD TV where you can access the local cable channels, and the freedom to make free local calls. We have an outdoor parking facility that will provide security to our vehicle when you are driving to Baytown.
Food facilities
You might feel a little uneasy when we say that we don’t have any any-house restaurant. But you can drop by the numerous nearby food joints that offer sumptuous food options like the Baytown Seafood, Steveae’s Barbecue, Pho House & Vietnamese Cuisine, and a lot more on the list. Food won't be a headache as you will get an overwhelming variety of options.
Access the internet
These days, smartphones demand continuous internet connections and we provide that to our guests. You can connect to our free wi-fi service to do all your work. You will be also happy to hear that we have arrangements for the laundry service of our guests. The facilities that we offer, become the prime factor for guests choosing to stay at our hotel instead of the other competing Hotels In Baytown Houston.
Great maintenance
If you take a look at the images of our hotel, you will be sure about the maintenance quality of the hotel. We make sure to keep the driveway neat and clean by regular sweeping. It decreases the breeding of germs. In the King bedroom., we are providing two tables and two or three chairs so that you can do your work comfortably, sitting inside the hotel room. The washroom is neat and clean. The kitchenette can be the most attractive area inside the suite.
Contact Details:
Name: Scottish Inn & Suites
Address: 6600 North Highway 146 #A Baytown, Texas 77523
Phone: (281) 918-0944
[email protected]