A Leading Forensic Psychologist Specializing In Auto Accident Trauma Treatment And Care!

Posted November 25, 2019 by seojeff

The press release is about Dr. James zender, one of the leading PhD clinical and forensicpsychologistshaving trauma experience while specializing in auto accident trauma treatment and care.
Among different professionals associated with auto accident trauma treatment/care all those who are looking for a reliable professional shall find worth reading this information. Dr. James Zender is a renowned PhD clinical and forensic psychologist having more than 30 years trauma experience while specializing majorly in auto accident trauma treatment and care. Patients of Dr. James experience the conditions like traumatic brain injury, chronic pain conditions, post-traumatic stress and others. It is Dr. James who is dedicated in his profession to help people by creating auto accident trauma solutions that help to gain self-confidence to thrive and live better life. Having years of experience in this field encourages Dr. James to help navigate the world of trauma treatment in an effective way. A quick glance through the website drjameszender.com shall give you a better view about this professional.

Once you visit the website you shall get to know that Dr. Zender is known for accident survivors that help to master the road of recovery and reclaiming life, speaking & training that shares accident trauma solutions with associated industries and the quiz that helps to take accident survivor assessment for determining post-traumatic stress. When it comes to speaking & training Dr. James is the best speaker for public risk management and he also speaks about the extensive and hidden mental as well as physical trauma caused due to auto accidents. He also speaks about the need for a healthcare expert that helps to get you through the aftermath.

Dr. Zender looks into some of the common traumatic events of the world and the list covers terrorist act like bombing, airline crashes, civil war/mass refugee scenarios, industrial plant/community explosions, political asylum processes from countries in Africa/Asia/South America/Central America and law enforcement critical events. Among the different works he is exceptionally known for law enforcement for healthcare companies.
You can also get to know the psychological effect of the trauma on physicians and other healthcare professionals. Auto accidents are one of the major causes of death and Dr. Zender specializes in auto accident trauma treatment and care. For any other query you can contact him via online contact option.

Contact Us:
Address:- Michigan, USA
Follow Us: https://twitter.com/drjameszender
Website : https://drjameszender.com/
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Issued By drjameszender
Country United States
Categories Business , Fitness , Health
Tags best speaker for public risk management , law enforcement for healthcare companies
Last Updated November 25, 2019