Specifically in the event of lightning strikes and electrical failures, a Copper Bonded Ground Rod is a form of grounding electrode used in electrical systems to create a safe path for the dissipation of electrical currents. It is made up of a solid steel core that is covered with a layer of copper that is normally attached to the steel core electrolytically.
In relation to Copper Bonded Ground Rods, keep in mind the following:
Providing a low-resistance conduit for electrical currents to travel into the ground is the main function of a ground rod. This aids in defending against the damaging impacts of electrical failures, lightning strikes, and other transient voltage occurrences on humans, machinery, and structures.
Construction: High-strength steel is typically used for the ground rod's core, providing mechanical strength and longevity. The rod's conductivity and corrosion resistance are enhanced by the copper covering that surrounds the steel core. The technique used to apply the copper layer normally results in a solid connection between the copper and steel core.
Benefits of Copper Cladding: The copper cladding greatly improves the conductivity of the ground rod. Since copper is a good electrical conductor, it can effectively transport electrical currents to the ground. Additionally, copper is more corrosion-resistant than steel, extending the life of the ground rod, particularly in places with heavy moisture or acidic soil.