For those who search online, there are also various options and information. Some great resources are great websites like, directories like and free job service sites like Emirates-Ads.
After a job seeker wins a job, a contract will be signed and the patron will be employee. This contract should include basic pay, title and definition, contract term and termination terms, but not limited to them. When the employee has children, a good "kit" including salaries, accommodation and school fees needs to be negotiated. Specific benefits may also include provisions relating to medical services, housing, installations and/or regular aircraft holidays. (Airline tickets should be issued at least once every two years, according to the law). Various companies and packages are available. The business week is different from a company with a straight change and a split shift (with a break of several hours in the morning).
The sponsor should process all government-needed documents, including visas, medical cards and working cards, for foreign workers. The Public Relations Officer of a company usually manages logistics and ensures that all documents reach the approval office. The employee application shall first be approved by the Labor Ministry and then examined and finally all applicable documents shall be transferred to the Home Office Ministry which shall stamp the employee passport visa. The work visa is valid for up to three years, even if renewable. Expats are usually not given UAE citizenship or permanent residence. The Dubai government has introduced steps to promote the emiratisation of the workforce (which allow all companies with more than 100 workers to hire UAE people as their Pro and/or Managers in their human relations). However, in the coming years expatriate workers are expected to still constitute a large proportion of the workforce in the UAE.
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