A trademark is a unique symbol that differentiates your assets or services from others.
There are so many things that you need to consider if you are about to register a trademark. Without the right knowledge, you may make mistakes or waste your time and money. But using professional help can save you from a lot of hassle.
Trademark registration consultants make the entire process quick and easy for every applicant. Trademark registration provides the applicant the right to use their products and act legally if someone else decides to take advantage of them.
In simple words, after the trademark registration, another person cannot use the same name.
So, hiring a trademark registration consultant can save you money, time,and energy while ensuring a smooth process.
The team of professionals at TM Express doeseverything possible for its customers.
We have years of experience and expertise in the trademark filing process. So, you can rely on us.
If you're still wondering how do I trademark a name,let us remove the burden from your shoulders.
All you need to do is give us a call. During this free consultation call, we will discuss your specific trademark situation and recognize your exact requirements.
Even attorneys rely on us and seek our advice for their clients. So before going directly to an attorney, you can get in touch with us.
Once you hire us, we can handle the rest carefully. Our team does thorough research and analysis for your trademark filing.
Our main concern is to ensure that your trademark is legally clear before proceeding to the next step. We have five trademark attorneys to assist you. So, everything is simple and swift when you work with us.
Contact us:
Washington, D.C.
2000 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
Suite 1010 Washington DC, 20006
Phone: (800) 340-2010
Local Phone: (202) 496-1600
Fax: (202) 330-5555
[email protected]