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Why Magforest?
Why choose Magforest? That's a really good question. Here are the main features of the website, some may surprise you.
About Us
Here is some info about Magforest. Who we are, our purpose and our goals.
Magforest is an Online Magazine Distribution Platform for Publishers & Readers. We specialize in Digital Downloads of PDF Magazines and offer Print on Demand and an Android App.We aim to provide high quality and diverse Magazine Distribution Service. Our Purpose is to empower Magazine Publishers, Photographers and Models to earn money from a Magazine Distribution Platform, with a wide range of tools at their disposal.
Special Categories
Yes we have special magazine categories that you wont see on other distribution websites. These are Calendars, Cosplay, MicroMAG, Nude Art, Tattoos
Increased Distribution
As we grow, so will your sales. We have a network of affiliate websites to help get your latest issue out across the internet quickly. Over time our affiliate websites also grow & grow, funneling more visitors to purchase your work.
High-Quality Magazines
While we do have several dozen publishers, we do not just approve any magazines. Design and Layout must be up to our standard for acceptable magazines. Essentially if we are not happy with a submission. We will not publish it. While this sounds slightly harsh, what it does do is keep the entire website at a higher quality level. This higher quality level means that published magazines really do get showcased properly.
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