The honey that you buy from the regular shops is not at all pure. The manufacturers add preservatives and chemicals to increase the shelf life of the honey. But Wild about Honey runs the company on the basis of strict principles. We believe that your purchase is worth only when we provide you with the raw heritage kinds of honey and that too, straight from the Portuguese bees. Honey lovers now prefer the honey shop Surrey UK above all reputed brands.
From real beekeepers
Apiculture is an elaborate job. The Portuguese beekeepers are passionate about rearing the honey bees and collecting the pure honey in raw form. We have established the connection between the passionate beekeepers and the honey lovers through our company Wild about Honey here, and you will get nothing but pure honey UK.
Myriad benefits
You will be happy to know that once you start having our honey, you can say goodbye forever to many of your health conditions.
Raw honey is the greatest source of numerous plant extracts that are antioxidants. These antioxidants will protect against cell damage by controlling the free radicals in your body.
Free radicals contribute to aging. The development of chronic diseases like cardiac problems or cancer is possible if your body has a high level of free radicals. The Raw dark thyme honey is the ultimate relief from all this.
Rich raw honey can kill unwanted fungus and bacteria due to hydrogen peroxide, which is an antiseptic.
Treatment of wounds and the healing system get faster as honey triggers tissue regeneration. The natural resource is always the best for any healing purpose.
Overall improvement
Once you start the regular intake of honey, you will feel an immense improvement from within. You won't bother anymore for having the chocolates, and the candies for the honey will be enough to meet the needs of the sweet tooth. But it won't mess with your blood sugar level. So stay fit and fine and improve the immunity power too by consuming raw honey from our company. You can check out the reviews of our existing customers to analyze the product quality before purchasing.
Contact details:
Name: Wild About Honey
Phone: (+44) 7502083624/ (+351) 920506295
[email protected]