News by Country: Indonesia

What value does the NPS Score have in 2022: 7 Expert Opinions
Does NPS score bring any value to your business in 2022? Is it as important as it is portrayed to be? If so, what is its value? Explore the perspectives of CX experts.

May 31, 2022

Why are online surveys better than CATI surveys in 2022?
Online surveys have replaced CATI in most parts of the world due to its high response rates and efficiency. Let's see how by comparing CATI vs online survey.

May 23, 2022

Why do phone surveys have a low response rate?
CATI/ phone surveys are on the declining side due to their low response rates. More businesses are resorting to digital surveys. Let’s understand why.

May 20, 2022

9 Valuable Insights You Can Get from Twitter Analytics
Twitter is one of the social media platforms that has millions of active users. To succeed on the platform, you need to keep track of the performance of your Twitter

May 20, 2022

5 Key Facts about Twitter Analytics You Need to Know
Twitter analytics is a powerful tool for understanding the performance of a tweet. It can be utilized to make strategic decisions to improve your Twitter marketing efforts

May 19, 2022

7 ways to leverage positive customer feedback
So, you've got some positive customer feedback. How do you put it to good use? Let us help. Here are 7 ways to leverage positive feedback.

May 13, 2022

Best Hypnotherapy Course | Best Hypnotherapist | Best Online Hypnotherapy
holistic healing hypnosis offers the best hypnotherapy course and healing session in both online or offline sessions.

May 7, 2022

How to analyze survey data: Everything you need to know
How to analyze survey data? Why do it? Get all details about survey data analysis, its importance, types and learn to analyze survey data right here.

May 4, 2022

11 best Voice of the Customer tools to listen to your customers effectively
Searching for the best VoC tools? Here’s a list of the best voice of the customer tools as of 2022. Let us compare the features, pros, and cons in detail.

April 29, 2022

What is CATI Survey: Advantages, Disadvantages, Working & More
What is CATI or computer-assisted telephone interviewing? How do CATI surveys work? What are the pros and cons? Is there a better option? Find it all here.

April 25, 2022

Scheduled to be launched in 2024, this spectacular all-pool villa retreat in South Lombok blends natural charm and warm local hospitality with five-star facilities.

April 10, 2022

Best Online Hypnotherapy | Holistic Hypnotherapy | Best Hypnotherapy Course
holistic healing hypnosis is the best healing center in bali indonesia

April 7, 2022

11 Customer Experience Trends that you must track in 2022
Times are changing, so are the trends in customer experience. It is vital to evolve and adapt to it. Here are 11 customer experience trends to keep track of in 2022.

March 24, 2022

9-point checklist to increase your response rate for B2C Surveys
Trying to find ways to increase the response rates for your B2C survey? Here is the ultimate 9-point checklist that will help you improve response rates in no time.

March 21, 2022

GEIOS First Geothermal District Cooling
GEIOS to set up the first closed loop geothermal district cooling solution in Indonesia to produce 300 MW of chilled water for a smart city.

March 18, 2022

7 Reasons Why Nobody Is Replying to Your Surveys (and How to Make Sure They Do)
Wondering why you aren't getting enough survey responses? Here are 7 reasons why nobody’s responding to your surveys and how to make sure they do.

March 16, 2022

5 Content Tips to Increase Instagram Engagement
The first thing you should know before creating new Instagram content is that you can't just post any old ideas on Instagram and expect them to do well

March 9, 2022

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari berita terkini?
Parboaboa berasal dari bahasa daerah (Batak) yang berarti Pemberi Berita, pemberita, atau pembawa berita.

March 3, 2022

The Effect of #Covid-19 Instagram Social Media on the Trust Level of Millennials in Jakarta
The COVID-19 pandemic has plagued all parts of the world, including Indonesia. Since its first appearance in China, the spread of the COVID-19 virus has been very fast and the number of infected people has grown very significantly and rapidly

February 17, 2022

Influencer Ini Berbagi Tips Membuat Konten Menarik di Masa Pandemi
konsisten dan kreativitas bisa menjadi peluang bermanfaat di era digital saat ini

February 15, 2022

What is a Good Net Promoter Score?
What is a good net promoter score? Is it 30, 50, or 100?! Know what's the best NPS score for your business and in this insightful article.

February 10, 2022

7 Survey mistakes that drive customers nuts
Getting low survey response rates? Then you're probably overlooking some survey errors that could be putting off customers. Here are the survey mistakes to avoid.

February 9, 2022

Kenapa Influencer Semakin Eksis di Tengah Pandemi Corona
besar (PSBB) di beberapa negara di dunia, membuat pengguna social media meningkat. We Are Social mencatat, lebih dari 4,5 miliar orang sekarang menggunakan internet, sementara pengguna media sosial telah melampaui angka 3,8 miliar

February 8, 2022

6 Super-Effective Steps to Analyze the Responses of your NPS Program
When, how, and where to analyze your NPS program? Here are 6 simple but efficient steps to make the most of your NPS response and analyze it.

February 7, 2022

5 Ways to Enhance Your Instagram Engagement Using Instagram Collabs
Instagram Collabs made it possible to invite someone to collaborate in a feed post or Reel and share it to both accounts' followers which then will share views, likes, and comments

February 4, 2022

Net Promoter Score: Industry Benchmarks and the factors that affect them
Why do different industries have different NPS Scores? Here is Net Promoter Score Industry Benchmarks and the factors that affect them

February 1, 2022

How to Use Instagram Stories Like an Expert and Get Great Engagement
Instagram is an invaluable tool to connect with the audience

January 28, 2022

6 Epic Strategies to Grow Your Organic TikTok Engagement
TikTok algorithm is highly developed and uses ranking elements like user interactions, captions, sounds, hashtags

January 27, 2022

15 Best NPS Tools to Watch Out in 2022
Know the importance of NPS tools and how to choose the right one for your business. The detailed list includes the 15 best NPS tools of 2022.

December 24, 2021

Future Analysis For Mobile User Authentication Market Trends Forecast By 2020 – 2027
Global Mobile User Authentication Market Trends is estimated to reach USD 3.45 Billion by 2027, recording a CAGR of 25.9% during the forecast period (2020–2027).

December 1, 2021

INTERCONNECT DATA is a business information platform that provides detailed information about public and private companies, startups, business partners, and professionals relevant to public needs and interests.

November 29, 2021

SurveySensum-AI-Enabled Customer Experience Management Platform
AI-Enabled CX Platform that delivers real-time actionable insights

November 26, 2021

Apa yang Ditawarkan Platform Kasino Tepercaya kepada Anda?
Situs judi slot online - Slot online terbaik | Slot online Indonesia | Situs judi slot online terpercaya

November 3, 2021

Mengapa Game Slot Sangat Menghibur?
Judi bola terpercaya - Situs judi slot online | Slot online terbaik | Slot online Indonesia | Situs judi slot online terpercaya | Pragmatic Play

October 26, 2021

Judi Online Indonesia Makin Seru dan Seru!
Judi online indonesia - Joker Gaming | Agen bola terpecaya indonesia | Judi bola terpercaya | Daftar slot online | Situs judi slot online | Slot online terbaik | Slot online Indonesia

September 22, 2021

Layanan Paket Haji Plus Alhijaz Indowisata
Ketika Anda memilih Layanan Alhijaz Indowisata, Anda akan mendapatkan layanan dan keramahantamahan kami yang tak tertandingi.

September 17, 2021

Bagaimana bermain game kasino online akan menguntungkan Anda?
Kasino Online Indonesia - Online Judi indonesia | Judi online indonesia | Judi slots online | Joker Gaming | Agen bola terpecaya indonesia | Judi bola terpercaya

September 15, 2021

Percayakan Pada Kasino Online Indonesia dan Jangan Khawatir Sama Sekali!
Slot Kasino Online Indonesia | Daftar slot online | Situs judi slot online | Slot online terbaik | Slot online Indonesia

September 8, 2021

Tips Memanfaatkan Instagram Reels Untuk Promosi Bisnis
Instagram reels merupakan unggahan video 15 detik di stories yang dapat dimodifikasi dengan AR (Augmented Reality)

September 3, 2021

Put Your Trust with Kasino Online Indonesia and Have No Worries At All!
Judi online indonesia | Online Judi indonesia | Live Kasino Indonesia | Taruhan Kasino Online Indonesia | Kasino Online Indonesia | Agen bola terpecaya

August 31, 2021

Strategi Social Media Marketing Untuk Pemula
Berdasarkan data Hootsuite (We are Social), tahun ini, pengguna media sosial di indonesia mencapai 170 juta orang. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pengguna media sosial dapat menjadi pasar yang besar dalam dunia bisnis

August 31, 2021

Uses, Strategies, and Tips for Affiliate Marketing
affiliate marketing is known to be a good solution for e-commerce merchants or business owners

August 24, 2021

Memanfaatkan TikTok Sebagai Media Promosi
TikTok yang hadir sebagai salah satu media sosial terbaru berhasil menarik perhatian para netizen. Hal ini bisa dibuktikan dengan jumlah download yang saat ini mencapai angka 100 juta download

August 18, 2021

Kelebihan TikTok Sebagai Media Promosi
TikTok merupakan sebuah media sosial yang memungkinkan penggunanya untuk mengunggah video dengan durari 15-60 detik, biasanya video tersebut memiliki musik atau dialog.

August 12, 2021

Tips dan Trik Agar Meningkatkan Growth Instagram-Mu
Instastory adalah fitur yang termasuk baru di Instagram. Fitur ini menampilkan sesuatu yang sedang kalian unggah pada waktu itu. Untuk urusan bisnis, Instastory membantu sekali.

August 10, 2021

Cara Mudah Masuk FYP dan Trending di TikTok
Kalau kalian pengguna baru di TikTok, ada sejumlah istilah yang harus kamu ketahui. FYP adalah salah satunya. Merupakan singkatan dari "For You" Page

August 5, 2021

Fungsi Utama dari Instagram Reels
Reels adalah fitur baru yang dimiliki oleh Instagram. Fitur ini diluncurkan untuk ikut bersaing dengan aplikasi serupa. Reels bisa digunakan untuk membuat, membagikan, serta mengedit video durasi pendek yang dilengkapi audio dan music

August 4, 2021

4 Alerts of an Account Full of Fake Followers
social media article in this article and tell about influencer

July 28, 2021

Play Live Judi Games With Judi Online Indonesia
Summary: The following press release provides brief information about Players99 which offer option to play online Judi games.

June 23, 2021

Infographic presents 20 Statistic for SEO and Google Search presents an infographic revealing 20 figures and statistics on SEO and Google Search.

June 18, 2021